“By encouraging a deeper exploration of the world, children will increase their engagement and develop their own personal areas of interest.”
As vital as education, after-school activities are equally important for your child’s overall development. MIS offers a unique enrichment programme that continues our commitment to meeting the needs of the whole child. Attending these activities provide children with the opportunity to discover themselves outside of an academic learning experience.
We plan our extracurricular activities so that children can learn in a fun and engaging way. A wide range of classes are offered apart from the main programme, which provide an opportunity for further cognitive, social and physical growth.
Arts – Painting and Sketching
A child’s creativity is a feature that needs to be unlocked. Creative minds are intelligent minds. At a young age, children’s brains are bright and full of ideas. All they need is a nudge in the right path.
Painting and sketching as an extracurricular activity wouldn’t just be fun and exciting for your children but also healthy for their minds. It encourages children to think out of the box and takes a toll on their imagination as well.
Practicing physical education regularly as well as teaching children the importance of teamwork and cooperation are essential. The value of working with each other is a highly important life lesson.
Taking part in sports activities comes with health benefits too. It helps to control weight, reduces the chances of emotional disorders, decreases the risk of heart disease and obesity. Physical activities keep children active and healthy for a long time.
Extra-curricular athletic programmes can also have a great impact on a child’s education. The studies have found that children who are doing sports are more attentive in class, and gain confidence. Children who are confident in life are willing to explore different subjects and learn outside of their comfort zone.
Make it exciting by picking sports as an extracurricular activity!
Foreign Languages
Children are drawn to different cultural languages; anything they find unusual has their attention. Learning a new language can be quite interesting and stimulating for your children.
As a person becomes older, it becomes more difficult to grasp a new language. Since children’s brains are still developing, it’s the perfect opportunity to introduce them to modern languages such as French, Chinese Mandarin, Spanish and Russian.
Including a language itinerary in Montessori extracurricular activities can expose your children to diverse cultures and broaden their minds.
Music and Movements
Music and Movements extracurricular activities combine music with physical movement. It helps both body and mind work together. These extracurricular classes include introduction and playing to musical instruments, listening to music and moving to the beat, singing and dancing. The comprehension and appreciation to various musical genres are instilled.
Being exposed to music in early childhood helps children to learn the sounds and meanings of words, develop auditory discrimination, build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression.
Music has been shown to activate areas in the brain that help us understand what others are thinking and feeling. When children play music in a group, they need to watch and listen to others around them for subtle cues for tempo, dynamics, and expressiveness.
Dancing class is a great physical activity and a way to express oneself.
Every child possesses talents. All they need is to discover and refine it. Through different modern dances, children release their energy, acquire skills and build self-esteem. When you choose to include extracurricular activities, such as dance and music, you can assist your children in discovering their talents and figure out their interests.
Furthermore, it’s a thrilling activity that every child enjoys.
At MIS, we offer quality education and extracurricular activities to give your child the perfect balance needed for their growth.
We live in a vibrant, constantly changing world where modern technologies dictate the tendencies following which our future is built. Being aware of how the major things are done prepares children for living and ignites in them scientific interest for further exploration. STEM classes stimulate and inspire children to pursue careers in fields of science, technology, engineering and math. With hands-on learning this programme is designed to spark interest and hone abilities in these critical subject areas.
At MIS, the STEM classes include:
- Coding;
- Circuitry;
- 3D-pen design;
- Computer science;
Classrooms Without Walls / Field Trips
Dr. Maria Montessori was a big fan of field trips. In her words, it was important for students to take “outings” or to “go out.” In 1948, Dr. Montessori wrote: “The outing whose aim is neither purely that of personal hygiene nor that of a practical order, but which makes an experience live, will make the child conscious of realities … When the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them up in cupboards.” Hence, the Montessori phrase of “going out” was born.
1. Interactive learning
It is so much easier to understand what a cow is when you see it in front of you and are able to touch it as opposed to reading about a cow in a book. Going out/Field trips ascribe to the former thought process. Going out/Field trips allow students to interact with what they are learning. The experience goes beyond reading a concept in a textbook as children are able to participate in it physically.
2. Access to different environments
Going out/Field trips allow students direct access to tools and environments that they otherwise wouldn’t have contact within the four walls of their school. Students can be taken to see historical artifacts or even an underwater ecosystem at an aquarium on Going out/Field trips. Each experience solidifies learning and supports key academic theories. They begin to see that what they learn in the classroom can help them solve real world problems and this shapes them as people.
3. Social interaction
Leaving the classroom for a Going out/Field trip places students in a different social environment. They get to meet a new set of adults and possibly interact with other children during the course of the trip. These new interactions give them a vital lesson on how to behave in different settings. What a Going out/Field trip also does is foster a sense of teamwork and community among the students as they experience a new environment together.
While organizing a Going out/Field trip with so many children definitely comes with its fair share of trials and tribulations, the benefits far outweigh the logistical difficulties. Going out/Field trips can bring one dimensional lessons to life and create interest for a subject, something that is hard to duplicate through classroom lectures.
“When the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them in cupboards.” – Dr. Maria Montessori.
- Create connections through collaboration
- Build concentration
- Learn life skills
- Refine motor skills
- Expand vocabulary and language
- Encourage critical thinking and problem solving
- Train body and mind
Montessori after-school programs are an amazing opportunity for children to reap positive benefits while socializing with their friends in a safe setting. Parents wishing to enroll their child in The MIS’s after-school care can contact us at montessorischoolvietnam@gmail.com or +84822040033.